Time For A Brisk Walk?

A brisk 10 minute walk every day can make a difference to your health.

This headline comes after data compiled by Public Health England (PHE) (the government body tasked with improving the nation’s health) found that more than 6.3 million adults aged 40 to 60 failed to achieve just 10 minutes of continuous brisk walking per month.

According to Live Strong – A brisk, 10 minute walk burns off a 50 calorie chocolate chip cookie. Walking for 10 minute increments gives you a practical way to fit healthy activity into your life. The heavier you are, the more calories you burn in 10 minutes, due to the energy it takes to move your own weight. At a rate of 15 minutes per mile, a 185-pound person burns 67 calories walking for 10 minutes and a 125-pound person burns 45 calories.


But what is ‘brisk walking?

Well the average walking pace of an adult is the 20 minute mile or 3 mph.  PHE suggest a ‘brisk walk’ is 15 minute mile or 4 mph.  So how is the extra 1 mph going to make the difference?  Well it’s not just about walking faster it’s about raising your heart rate to improve your cardio fitness and increase your fat burn.

Why ‘brisk walking’?

Because its easier than most other activities if you have never done any serious exercise in a while!  It requires no specialist gear, just a good pair of shoes/boots and some loose clothing.  If you have a small hill locally try walking up that – that will certainly raise your heart rate.

Where can I ‘brisk walk’?

Just about anywhere!  You can walk on the local pavements around your neighbourhood or why not download the OS Maps app and use their Green Spaces layer to find somewhere near to you to walk.  There are also thousands of walking routes available should you wish for a longer walk later.


Download the PHE Active 10 app to help you track your progress.  You never know – one day you may well meet me on a hillside somewhere enjoying the great outdoors.  However, if you have any doubt about your state of health then please seek medical advise before embarking on any physical activity.


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